Thursday, September 4, 2008

Going Shopping!

This is Miss Mikcayla getting ready to go shopping with her Daddy! It's a bit cool outside today, so she is wearing a sweat suit! Too cute as always!

Just Starting

This is the first blog that I am entering for Miss Mikcayla! She is on a trip with her Daddy to the store for some groceries! This gives me a few minuets to start this... Mikcayla is now 3 weeks and 3 days old! She has given her Mama a run for her money! She made a dramatic entrance into the world, but those of you who will read this already know that. Most recently, I had a D&C done to clear all of the residual matter cleaned out of my uterus so that I can heal normally, and not continue bleeding. I am doing better today, but Mikcayla is not too sure about her Daddy doing everything but nursing her. We are all doing better today though, and hopefully we will continue to improve daily. I'm sure everyone wants to see pictures of the lovely Miss Mikcayla, so I'm going to figure out how to do that now.